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About David Gregory Author

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One of Us

He came 2000 years ago. What if he came now, to America, instead?

After all the country had been through, little had changed. All the protests, the violence, the voting, the economic crisis, the calls for revolution, the calls for restoration—people’s deepest hopes had not, in the end, been realized. The rich and powerful were richer and more powerful. The poor and weak were poorer and weaker. The search for meaning, the spiritual hunger, remained.… Then an unassuming man waded into the Rio Grande.


Day with a perfect Stranger
Dinner with a perfect Stranger
Night with a Perfect Stranger
Day with a perfect Stranger
Awesome Book Cover
Night with a Perfect Stranger
The rest of the Gospel
Awesome Book Cover
If Jesus Loves me Why isn't this working
The rest of the Gospel
The last Christian
If Jesus Loves me Why isn't this working
The last Christian

Readers Chat

“Really good job on Awesome. It’s what people need. It’s God’s Word. It gives people words they often cannot find to say what they want to say.”
Bob A.
“I’ve been using Awesome as a devotional each morning. It means so much when I read it out loud slowly. On page 23, I got to the place where it said, ‘You are the true vine. I am a branch in you. Apart from you I can’t do anything.’ Wow! I had to reread that a few times. So good."
Barbara R.

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Battlefield Connections Podcast

Check out the podcast of me being interviewed about Awesome by U.S. Army veteran and radio host Curtis Brown on his broadcast “Battlefield Connections” that aired recently on 100.7 FM in Houston.

Greg Portrait

About David

Hi, I’m David Gregory. Welcome to my website. I am the author of The New York Times’ bestseller, Dinner with a Perfect Stranger, as well six other fiction and three nonfiction books.

My books share two amazing themes, which ultimately are only one theme. The first is that in Jesus Christ, God offers each one of us eternal life through faith in Him. The second is that Jesus himself is that life, and when we place out trust in him, he actually comes to live within us, to live his own life through us.

What these really mean is that God offers himself to us. Nothing more. Nothing less. He designed us to be his vessels—vessels to express his own life through. That’s why, according to the Apostle Paul, the whole message God gave him to share could be summed up in three words: Christ in you.

The aim of my books, really, is to help people lay hold of this reality. To open our eyes to God’s incredible offer if we have not yet freely received him. And to open our eyes to what God has already made real within us if we have, and to learn to live it out, day by day.

I’ve authored three nonfiction books on that theme, and six fiction books. Oh, and I also wrote a short novel involving the Founding Fathers and time travel, just for fun!

I’m not someone who wrote a lot of stories growing up. In fact, I’ve always been mostly a nonfiction reader, and I came late to this writing thing. I co-authored my first book, The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out, when I was in my late 30s, and I wrote my first fiction, Dinner with a Perfect Stranger, after 40. Random House got hold of it, made a bestseller out of it, and suddenly I had a fiction writing career!

God has taken me on a winding course, starting with a business career, through master’s degrees at the University of North Texas and Dallas Theological Seminary, and writing and editing for two Christian ministries, including Chuck Swindoll’s Insight for Living. 

I love it when I hear that God has touched someone’s life through one of my books, or through one of the three movies that filmmaker Jefferson Moore produced from the Perfect Stranger series. 

My goal is always to challenge people to think more deeply about what they believe, and to consider more deeply the amazing things that God says he has freely given us in Christ.

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Receiving by Faith (A Lesson from Jesus)

One time I stood a little child before my disciples and said to them, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Why? Because with children, everything must be simple. Children are humble. They simply receive. It’s pretty much all they do. And they are perfectly happy doing it.  That’s… Read...

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One of Us

He came 2000 years ago. What if he came now, to America, instead?​

After all the country had been through, little had changed. All the protests, the violence, the voting, the economic crisis, the calls for revolution, the calls for restoration—people’s deepest hopes had not, in the end, been realized. The rich and powerful were richer and more powerful. The poor and weak were poorer and weaker. The search for meaning, the spiritual hunger, remained.… Then an unassuming man waded into the Rio Grande.

David Gregory personally found that praising God’s own Word back to Him paves the way for God to work deeply in our own lives, focusing on God more than our circumstances, developing triumphant faith, knowing God's love, and peace, and joy more deeply, growing in selflessly loving others, and experiencing Christ as our life more richly. 


Let the Spirit transform you through simply praising God!

Beyond Rules: God As You Never Imagined

What if God's not even into rules? We all assume he is. The Ten Commandments. The Five Pillars of Islam. The Eightfold Path of Buddhism. Religion is all about rules. But what if God isn't? What if relating to God has nothing to do with rules and everything to do with promises? Not promises we keep for God. Promises God keeps for us. What if relating to God isn't like receiving orders from an impossible-to-please boss, but like receiving a gift from a close friend? Over and over and over. What if God already did away with the rules for us? Then what? Welcome to life with God beyond rules! It may be something you never imagined. He may be someone you never imagined.

The Rest of the Gospel: When the Partial Gospel Has Worn You Out

Having God’s forgiveness is wonderful. Spending eternity with God is great. But for now, where is the abundant life Jesus promised? Why is the Christian life such a struggle? Because getting forgiven is only half of the gospel! The Rest of the Gospel is not us striving on our own to be “good” Christians, but Christ in us, living his life through us as we rest in him.

Books David Gregory Author Novel Awesome Perfect Stranger

Dinner with a Perfect Stranger

“You are Invited to a Dinner with Jesus of Nazareth.” The mysterious envelope arrives on Nick Cominsky’s desk amid a stack of credit card applications and business-related junk mail. Although his seventy-hour workweek has already eaten into his limited family time, Nick can’t pass up the opportunity to see what kind of plot his colleagues have hatched…

The normally confident, cynical Nick soon finds himself thrown off-balance, drawn into an intriguing conversation with a baffling man who comfortably discusses everything from world religions to the existence of heaven and hell.

And this man who calls himself Jesus also seems to know a disturbing amount about Nick’s personal life.

“You’re bored, Nick. You were made for more than this. You’re worried about God stealing your fun, but you’ve got it backwards.… There’s no adventure like being joined to the Creator of the universe.” He leaned back off the table. “And your first mission would be to let him guide you out of the mess you’re in at work.”
